Wing Chun Kung Fu Denton Texas
Access Your Potential
One of the differences between Wing Chun and other combat arts is that it's based on certain logical principles and physics, rather than a collection of techniques. If a technique doesn't adhere to these reliable principles it is considered weak. When people are programed to use specific techniques to solve a variety of (expected) types of attacks, they become confused and fail when an actual attack is delivered differently than in class. Your initial time spent training will involved becoming familiar with the underlying concepts, physics and principles of the system.
Physical Discipline
Wing Chun clearly illustrates less is more. Endurance and efficiency are achieved through economy of movement, energy and action. An example of economy of movement is simultaneous defense and attack. We want to interrupt their timing to stop the attack and end the fight and safely escape as soon as possible.
Mental Discipline
Brain health and a precise mind/body connection rely on challenging problem solving activities. Your cognitive ability, situational awareness and overall coordination will improve with regular Wing Chun practice.
With training and practice, the latency between thought and action becomes shorter and shorter. The result is the ability to instinctively respond quickly and accurately.
© 2020 David Lott